09 July 2009

new pew poll is most terrifying thing i've read in some time

The respected Pew Research Center just released the results of a survey conducted for People & the Press and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The poll involved approximately 2000 people of the American public and 2500 scientists.

I'm going to withhold comment regarding the numbers. (You can view all the results at people-press.org.) I think this post's title conveys my feelings. The survey's figures, unfortunately, convey much more about our military state country.


Contribute "a lot" to society's well being (respondents to this question were members of American public; no scientists were polled):

Members of military 84%
Teachers 77%
Scientists 70%
Medical doctors 69%
Engineers 64%
Clergy 40%
Journalists 38%
Artists 31%

Think that humans, other living things have evolved due to natural processes:

Public 32%
Scientists 87%

Favor federal funding for embryonic stem cell research:

Public 58%
Scientists 93%

The survey is chock full of *intriguing* numbers. I need to return to my studies; comment me if you find anything else of interest. Again, go here for everything from the poll.

Oh, and yes, you should be
very afraid.


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