15 July 2008

french kids and grandaddy

Earlier today Grandaddy's "The Warming Sun" (possibly my favorite Grandaddy song), which I hadn't heard in many months, crept inside my skull.

A flashback washed my mind and I recalled my introduction to the band: it was the autumn of 2000 and I had just watched "The Crystal Lake" video on MTV2 (yes, kids, MTV2 once played music videos like its retarded mother, MTV). The song's infectious hook hooked me and I purchased The Sophtware Slump the following day.

I knew the band disbanded in 2006, so I decided to scour the interwebs to see what had become of the group's members. I discovered their MySpace page and found the most unusual of treats -- "French kids" singing Sumday's "I'm on Standby," "Stray Dog and the Chocolate Shake," Saddest Vacant Lot in All the World," and The Sophtware Slump's "Underneath the Weeping Willow." Check out the songs on the expired band's MySpace page here.

Grandaddy factoids:

= Grandaddy perfected the art of campy, indie pop. (OK, that's more opinion than fact.)

= Grandaddy opened for Elliott Smith during his Figure 8 tour.

= "A.M. 180" (from the band's debut album, Under the Western Freeway) was featured in the film 28 Days Later ... it's the song playing during the supermarket scene.

= Some Wikipedia douche bag has called The Sophtware Slump "the American OK Computer." (Don't get me wrong, The Sophtware Slump is a good album, but is it on par with OK Computer? Ummmmm, NO. Damn you Wikipedia! Damn you to hell!)

= I do not own the band's final album, Just Like the Fambly Cat. (Is it a decent album? Someone give me some feedback on this ...)


1 comment:

D said...

Ah, The Warming Sun....such a great song, easily my favorite on Sumday. As for the Fambly Cat, it's not a bad disc, but nowhere near the same level as Sophtware or Sumday. Give it a listen though.