05 May 2011

end transmission UPDATED SONG - another update - new song

UPDATE 18 MAY 2011
new song
"She Said Goodbye/Flashback"
Artist: TSTVS

This will be my final post at theskyisatelevisionsignal.blogspot.com. To regain my anonymity (among other factors), I'm going to start a new blog elsewhere; however, for the regular and semi-regular visitors (and I know there are a few), contact me for more info, and if you don't know how to do that check my profile.

The following is something I've been working on over the past 24 hours. It's called "The Things You Never Forget."


******OK, so this is the final version of the song I recorded and posted here earlier. Added some vocal samples and put the final mix on tape.


The Things You Never Forget/A Goodbye Fading (Final Mix) by TSTVS

the greatest lie ever told?

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/al-qaeda/8493391/Osama-bin-Laden-dead-Blackout-during-raid-on-bin-Laden-compound.html

Osama bin Laden dead: Blackout during raid on bin Laden compound

The head of the CIA admitted yesterday that there was no live video footage of the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound as further doubts emerged about the US version of events.

Leon Panetta, director of the CIA, revealed there was a 25 minute blackout during which the live feed from cameras mounted on the helmets of the US special forces was cut off.

In an interview with PBS, Mr Panetta said: "Once those teams went into the compound I can tell you that there was a time period of almost 20 or 25 minutes where we really didn't know just exactly what was going on. And there were some very tense moments as we were waiting for information.

"We had some observation of the approach there, but we did not have direct flow of information as to the actual conduct of the operation itself as they were going through the compound."

Mr Panetta also told the network that the US Navy Seals made the final decision to kill bin Laden rather than the president.

He said: "The authority here was to kill bin Laden. And obviously, under the rules of engagement, if he had in fact thrown up his hands, surrendered and didn't appear to be representing any kind of threat, then they were to capture him. But they had full authority to kill him.

"To be frank, I don't think he had a lot of time to say anything. It was a firefight going up that compound. And by the time they got to the third floor and found bin Laden, I think it - this was all split-second action on the part of the Seals."

(Blogger's note: There was no "firefight." Only ONE non-SEAL person at the compound was armed. Click for story.)

The President only knew the mission was successful after the Navy Seals commander heard the word “Geronimo” on the radio, a code word from commandos reporting that they had killed bin Laden.

The absence of footage of the raid has led to conflicting reports about what happened in the compound. According to Pakistani authorities one of bin Laden’s daughter’s, who was present during the raid, claimed that her father was captured alive before he was killed.

There was also growing doubt about the US claims that Pakistan’s intelligence agencies involved in the raid.

Lieutenant General Asad Durrani, former head of the ISI, Pakistan's intelligence service, said it was "inconceivable" that his government was unaware of the US raid on Osama bin Laden's compound.

He claimed his country was forced to deny any knowledge of the raid to avoid a domestic backlash. The ISI's official line has been that bin Laden's compound had "slipped off our radar" after it raided the building in 2003 while hunting for another senior al-Qaeda operative.The agency claims it was unaware that bin Laden was hiding there.

Lieutenant General Durrani, however, said that the denial was a "political" maneuver by the intelligence services to avoid claims that they were working too closely with the US.

He said: "It is more likely that they did know [about the raid]. It is not conceivable that it was done without the involvement of Pakistani security forces at some stage. They were involved and they were told they were in position.

"The army chief was in his office, the cordons had been thrown around that particular place. The Pakistani helicopters were also in the air so that indicates that it was involved.

"[There are] political implications back home. If you say that you are involved there is a large, vocal faction of Pakistani society that will get very upset because we are carrying out repeatedly these operations with the Americans."

03 May 2011

a first

I can honestly say I've never seen this before: it's an ad for a Lockheed Martin air-to-ground missile.


pogo was right

As the events of September 11, 2001, age in the history books, it will become further defined as a historical turning point for the United States. Indeed, that day will be viewed as David delivering a crucial blow to an aging and vulnerable Goliath. During the past ten years, US leadership has, more than ever before, embraced NOT the founding principles of the United States, but the powerfully profitable principles of the military-industrial complex. It’s this nation’s mother’s milk. Indeed, we’ve forfeited the ability to provide meaningful health care for our citizens; a federal mandate will soon require health insurance coverage for all US citizens, which will only fatten the pot for the nation’s health insurers. We’ve let the decaying infrastructure crumble before our eyes, and instead of picking up the rubble and build anew, we’ve swept the dust under the artillery cabinet. We’ve been stripped of some of our most fundamental rights, all in the name of security, and packaged it with stars and stripes – we call it the Patriot Act. And why create jobs when we can convince our middle and lower class young people that the real opportunity exists in joining the armed forces? After all, old blood won’t win the three wars we’re engaged in – gotta get some new blood in there. And, as an added bonus, they'll give you 100% tuition reimbursement. But never mind the prospective needs of the new recruit, the stars and stripes and the glorious freedoms of America must be protected from the barabaric, brown-skinned religious zeolots of Mumhammed -- we can't let the "terrorists" win, right?

The political discourse in this country has become something off late night TV and all that’s missing is the laugh track; the series features the “Kelly Bundy” of the Right, Sarah Palin, and the Left is bolstered by the likable yet inept “Michael Scott,” portrayed by Barack Obama. But once the lights fade and the studio empties, the antagonism is dropped and a good time is had by all the cast members. And under all the laughter and scripted lines, fear crawls in the shadows – you don’t always see it, but it’s always there, waiting to pounce and seize the populous by the tail. Bin Laden might be dead, but the threat of “terrorism” is still there. And it will always be there. We can't let the terrorists win, right?

So who’s winning? The good guys? The bad guys? Who’s who, anyway?

When bin Laden was killed, he was killed behind the 17-foot-tall walls of his home. He, apparently, had been living there for the past six years and was so afraid of being seen, he rarely, if ever, ventured outside -- he was a prisoner in his own home. He hoped and believed that by spending millions of dollars on weapons and security he’d be safe. But in the end, all the money in the world couldn’t protect him from his own irresponsible and deadly actions.

We have met the enemy and he is us.


02 May 2011

america wins again!

Knocked one final exam down this morning and will complete the semester with one more on Wednesday. I've got to stay focused, but it's been very difficult since the news of Osama bin Laden's death. Actually, the news itself hasn't been distracting -- it's been the egregious and disgusting response by so many Americans to his death that's been distracting and, frankly, infuriating. David Sirota wrote a great piece today in response to the death-fueled patriotism.
For decades, we have held in contempt those who actively celebrate death. When we’ve seen video footage of foreigners cheering terrorist attacks against America, we have ignored their insistence that they are celebrating merely because we have occupied their nations and killed their people. Instead, we have been rightly disgusted -- not only because they are lauding the death of our innocents, but because, more fundamentally, they are celebrating death itself. That latter part had been anathema to a nation built on the presumption that life is an "unalienable right."
Since my early teens US politics has been a passionate interest of mine, and I'm not sure how or why I was attracted, but I was. But now, that passion has turned to disgust -- and not just for the American political process and the collusion that poisons both parties, but for the general direction and attitude of the country itself. Fact: we've spent over trillion dollars in military and military-related spending since 9/11 and have murdered literally hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi and Afghan civilians. We invaded Afghanistan to destroy al-Queada and bring bin Laden to justice. Well guess what, the WMD justification for invading Iraq was a total hoax, Afghanistan is Vietnam, Pt. II, and bin Laden had been living in Pakistan for at least the last six years. (And I won't even mention the illegal war launched against Libya.) US officials have stated that the "war on terror" doesn't end with bin Laden's death; in fact, it's quite the opposite -- we must remain "vigilant." So when will the "war on terror" end? It won't. This so-called war is a fear factory, and as long as Americans remain consumed by consumerism, fear production by Uncle Sam will reach new highs. Ironic, because North Korea, the bastion of fascism and proud member of the "axis of evil," administers the same tactic.

We don't live in a democracy.

We don't live in a representative republic.

We live in a military state that uses its worthless dollars to protect its crumbling self-interests.

God bless America!

