16 December 2009

howard dean for president

Howard Dean appeared on tonight's Hardball with Chris Matthews and attempted to light a badly-needed fire under the Senate Democrats who have COMPLETELY CAVED on health-care reform. The public option is out. Expanding Medicare is out. And last night the Senate rejected two proposals that would have saved Americans millions of dollars through the importation of cheaper prescription drugs.

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Over the last couple weeks I have witnessed corporations protect its valuable interests by killing real health-care reform. And yes, I know the familiar line given by the cynics and disenfranchised: "The corporations own the lawmakers and run the country." However, it's one thing to hear this sardonic drivel from some poor, pontificating bastard, but it's another thing entirely when, before your very eyes, the interests of the American people are raped, gutted and buried for the betterment of the corporate machine.

Utterly disgusted,


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