19 December 2009


A couple of hours ago I submitted the final draft of my formal report for English 211, which officially concluded the Fall 2009 semester(!). Earlier today I took my Anatomy and Physiology 102 final, and, in the process, secured an A for the course(!) -- a HUGE relief. I also earlier spoke to my mom; we discussed the Xmas-sister situation. I'll disclose the details later.

Anyway, I couldn't possibly convey the relief I feel knowing the semester is over. Unfortunately the next three weeks will find me studying for the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS), which I'll take in early January. The TEAS covers reading comprehension, English skills, math abilities and science knowledge, and will ultimately determine if I make it into the nursing program in Fall 2010. It's a large test -- a four-hour time limit is given and, from what I gather, I'll need every minute of those four hours.

But this weekend is chill time. And tonight finds me drinking good beer with good people.


1 comment:

D said...

Glad to hear you made it through w/ flying colors....I'm sure you'll do very well on the upcoming test as well.