02 October 2008

it's all over now, baby blue

"You can't polish a turd."

Indeed. But despite this tried and true cliche, Sarah Palin attempted to do just that during Thursday night's one and only vice-presidential debate of 2008. The "outsider" tried to dress the failed policies of the Bush administration -- oops, I mean the McCain campaign -- as "change." Change? How much change can the American people expect from a man who has voted with the President (a President who has the highest disapproval rating since 1938) over 90% of the time?

Stay tuned, kids. I'm working on a special Friday night blog post regarding tonight's debate. Indeed. And unlike Palin, I'll have numbers and facts which will clearly support my stance -- and why you should cast your vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden on 04 November 2008!

(If you are NOT registered to vote, you have FOUR days left to do so! Visit this site for more info!)


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