10 May 2007

sculpture depicts drunk paris hilton autopsy

Controversial sculptor Daniel Edwards latest creation "The Paris Hilton Autopsy" features the heiress naked with intestines exposed, one hand holding a cell phone and the other a martini glass; a tiara rests upon her head. Perched on Hilton's dead breast is her beloved dog Tinkerbell.
In January, Hilton pleaded no contest to alcohol-related reckless driving; on Friday, she was sentenced to 45 days in jail for violating her probation.
As high school students prepare for prom season, Edwards said the piece is a warning against drunk driving.
The artist's previous works include "Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston," which depicts Britney Spears giving birth; a life-size bust of Hillary Clinton entitled "Presidential Bust of Hillary Rodham Clinton"; and the colossal "Fidel Castro's Deathbed Portrait."

Go H E R E for the story and a brief video of the piece featuring the creator himself.


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