04 January 2007

sister sadly

Mother and Stepfather now have temporary custody of Sister's newborn son. Apparently she relapsed last night but this is assuming she ever freed herself of those venomous substances.
I won't delve into the sad details of last night's conversation with mother. If Sister doesn't check herself into rehab she will a) overdose unintentionally or b) commit suicide. My family has fought this battle before (Sister's previous problems are blogged here... How long ago did those heartbreaking events transpire?... Time lines blur but memories do not) but now a child, a baby is involved, and once again I'm prepared for words informing me of sister's death everytime the phone rings.
Last night I told my mother to just give in, give up and give in to the Great Magnet. The great Unknown that renders us all powerless. Accept the fact that control is an illusion. We develop products that give up temporary control. Remote controls. Thermostats. Alarm clocks. PDAs. Computers. Our roads are lined with white and yellow lines guiding us. Signs are posted warning us of upcoming dangers, limiting our speed. Stoplights control the flow of traffic.
Look around.
We're surrounded by things that aid the illusion of control -- a control that does not exist.
Give in.
Find beauty in the lack of command. The absence of might.
You are free.


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