25 April 2006


On Tuesday, the President ordered an investigation into soaring gas prices. Bush asked his Energy and Justice departments to open inquiries into possible cheating in the gasoline markets.
Give me a break.
Look, I know it's cool to knock the 'evil oil companies' but in a free market system, companies are free to set their own prices based on supply and demand, and when a particular S & D is based on a limited natural resource, prices can't easily be forecasted.
But an investigation into pricing manipulations?
How about an investigation into the government manipulation of our pocketbooks with bloated and largely unnecessary taxes? Here you will find a table listing state-by-state gasoline taxes. And when looking at these numbers, keep in mind that the Federal Gas Tax is 18.4 cpg. So in my state, Indiana, I pay a total of 36.4 cpg (including the federal 18.4 cpg) PLUS 6% sales tax in tariffs alone. And don't forget, the government collects taxes on the delivery of the fuel from the importation all the way down to the fuel delivery trucks rolling on the highways of America. The amount of money our federal and state governments collect in fuel taxes in just one hour of one day is mind-boggling.
Yet our government wants to investigate possible price manipulations by the oil companies, thereby tampering with a pillar of our economy, the free market system. A system based on supply and demand.
Want to see fuel prices fall? Don't look to Uncle Sam for assistance, simply cut back consumption, alter the demand! Too many Americans have become silent. Ignorant. Lazy. Amnesiac. We have forgotten that we can, even in this day and age, effect change. But change doesn't happen watching television. Or surfing the internet. Change doesn't happen from a drive- thru window. Or voting for your favorite American Idol. No, change is rarely a convenient act.
In 1775, Patrick Henry said "Give me liberty or give me death." In 1987, The Dead Kennedys said "Give me convenience or give me death." Oh how times have changed.



kate said...

"...change doesn't happen watching television. Or surfing the internet. Change doesn't happen from a drive- thru window. Or voting for your favorite American Idol. No, change is rarely a convenient act."

hear hear!

the.sky.is.a.television.signal said...

[[Bows like a distinguished ambassador]]

the.sky.is.a.television.signal said...

"just be glad that you are not writing about the dictator you live under that's chopping off heads and shitting down necks."
Yeah, our president (future, past and present, btw) would rather befriend this dictator (Chinese president Hu Jintao) instead of condemning Hu's egregious record of human rights violations.
- one-party state that does not hold national elections
- no independent judiciary
- leads the world in executions
- aggressively censors the Internet
- represses minorities such as Tibetans, Uighurs, and Mongolians
- The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) still has not come to terms with the 1989 Tiananmen massacre, refusing to publish information about the number of persons killed, injured, “disappeared,” or arrested or to admit that the attack on peaceful protestors was a mistake
- The Falun Dafa Information Center has verified details of over 2,300 deaths since the persecution of Falun Gong in China began in 1999. Falun Gong is a spiritual group "based on the principles of Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance."
On 23 November 2002, President Bush said: "Freedom is God given. And we believe that when people have a taste of freedom, they will demand the institutions necessary to make sure freedom lasts."
But I guess when your country has a $150+ billion trade deficit with China, you can turn a blind eye to the Chinese.
What is the litmus test for, as Bush calls them, "evil-doers"? Saddam Hussein - oppressed his people, killed thousands - EVIL-DOER; The Taliban - opressed their people, killed thousands - EVIL-DOERS; Hu Jintao - oppresses his people, has killed thousands - RED CARPET.
But as long as you "can go to sleep feeling safe, this will still [be] a great nation."
Seriously, that's selfish, disgusting and just plain wrong. While my comments might make you "crack up," your comments worry me because I feel many, many others share them. All of the post baby boomer generations have grown up in a country brimming with opportunity, freedom and unseen wealth and with this, a sense of entitlement, along with an apathy, has developed. We have no concept of what it took to make this country the super-power that it is, what it took to make this country so great, and now we've fallen asleep at the wheel, ie. the immigration issue, loss of world allies, the "war on terror," etc.
I've never been un-American. I've never said that this county ISN'T great because that isn't true. I AM alarmed at the apathy of many, many people in this country. I'm alarmed that more people vote for the American Idols than vote in national and local elections.
I guess a bumper sticker said it best: "If you aren't completely appalled you haven't been paying attention."
Sleep well.


the.sky.is.a.television.signal said...

Well, I'm glad you know how to stay on point. You have decided to make this political post rather personal; I wouldn't have made that choice, but anyway...You clearly have some issues with me and I would have addressed those issues privately (email or a phone call).
The old me would have responded to your latest comments with a simple 'FUCK YOU,' but that isn't me anymore. For whatever reason, certain people insist on tying me to the anchor of my former self. Perhaps they don't believe that my latest discoveries are genuine; perhaps they believe that, sooner or later, I'll fall off the path and become that self-loathing, bitter, angry person of the past. Whatever the case, I'm thankful for people like you. You provide a constant reminder of who I once was and that's crucial because I'm afraid that if I forget who I used to be, I might fall back into that self-defeating shadow.
If I were to apologize to everyone that I have upset, offended, hurt etc in the past, I would be apologizing 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the next decade. But I'm sorry, Jason. I'm sorry for being a selfish asshole most of the time. I thought that I was vocal about my appreciation and gratitude for your artistic efforts on my EP and website.

Some miscellaneous remarks:
"Lets all take a field trip through you entire blog and then lets ask who the fck should be worried!"
I wouldn't worry. The writer of this blog, the man behind the words is undergoing a transformation. A metamorphosis. An evolution. My recent entries reflect this.
"Half of the time I don't think you even know what you are saying."
Geez, thanks for the support.
"...while you sit in your black hole waving your finger at the world."
One thing I won't apologize for is stating my opinion (especially when it's my fucking blog), and if you feel like I'm waving my finger from a black hole, well, that's your opinion. Besides, most of my entries are short stories/prose; the soapbox rarely makes an appearance.

And one more thing: if this blog irks you so much then DON'T VISIT IT. Last time I checked, your blog's last update occurred on 5 January. Perhaps your time would be better spent there.


the.sky.is.a.television.signal said...

"But as long as you 'can go to sleep feeling safe, this will still [be] a great nation.'
Seriously, THAT'S selfish, disgusting and just plain wrong. While my comments might make you 'crack up,' your COMMENTS worry me because I feel many, many others share them."

The 'selfish' remark was aimed at your comment, not your character.
'...that's selfish...' = your comment was selfish.
'You're selfish' = I never said that.
There is a difference.


the.sky.is.a.television.signal said...

Not looking to 'win' anything...Just want to ensure that what I say isn't misinterpreted, that's all.
Many adjectives come to mind when I think of you and 'selfish' is certainly not one of them.


the.sky.is.a.television.signal said...

Oh, and why did you delete all of your previous comments? Just wondering...


Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.