04 September 2005

face value

she only fucked me because i was there. take it for face value then forget the face, you sentimental fuck. here you are - in bed, in the dark, alone, your head filled with transparent images of her ghosty face....she's somewhere in texas tonight...at a bar getting shit-faced, looking for the shoulder she leans on to take her home and fuck {[aaaaass loooonnng assssss youuuuu kkknnnnnooooooww thiiiss meeeeeeeeeans noooothiiing, ooookay?}], get high, whatever. me, i don't get high anymore. i get low - then drink some fire - then get lower - whiskey is in the wind tonight, my friend. off in the distance, under the dim stars and dead moon i can almost hear the parties, the shouting, almost smell the perfume, smell the beer, the bad music, the people - the things that i hate because it's all so foreign to me. maybe it's all a cruel joke - trying to understand what all of this is about when there is nothing to comprehend but the space we fill with words, love, anger, whatever. take if for face value then forget the face, you sentimental fuck. so have i crumbled to pieces????? or am i one of the few that "get it?" and i wonder why it is just me - here - in the dark - all of the time - only me. sometimes i wonder if this is what a prisoner, fresh to the streets after 40 years behind bars, feels like....an alien surrounded by beeping gizmos, robots dressed as humans...an alien that can't recall how to communicate, socialize, act, live. take it for face value........and try to forget the face...............

............................LS-even though you destroyed something inside i still long for your crushing blow........


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