19 August 2010

meskǝlin and the impossible objects

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Consumed about 25 grams of Trichocereus peruvianus (Peruvian Torch) powder two hours ago. Thankfully the raging nausea that commonly accompanies ingestion has subsided significantly. Early observations: my inner being is glowing in torrential tides of empathy; I'm reminded of why psychedelics offer great therapeutic value: they strip everything cosmetic and superficial about YOU and YOUR EXISTENCE and allow you to freely explore yourself and your emotions; in many ways a psychedelic experience is the final frontier of human existence -- there are no guidelines, no governing bodies (both external and internal), just you and the Penrose staircase of your existence; periphery of my vision is flooded with twinkling light right now.

More later.



Like you don't know said...

Thats great but keep it limited and try not to lose touch with reality and depend on psychedelics to help you deal with life. You don't need plants to tell you what to do. It is sad when people rely on drugs to help them cope with their inner turmoil. I don't want you turning into that douche bag that stalks your blog and leaves asinine comments from time to time.

Anonymous said...

"I don't want you turning into that douche bag that stalks your blog and leaves asinine comments from time to time."

lul.. looks like someone is butthurt.