I know there are some – well, a few – people who visit the space on a fairly regular basis. If you are one of them, or if you just now stumbled upon my blog, I would greatly appreciate it if you would please comment on my previous post. I'm seeking an objective opinion of the situation. If you were in my position, what would you do? Should I tell my mother that I don't want to see sister during my Xmas visit? Or, should I simply object to her presence and deal with it? Perhaps I should say nothing at all? And how should I inform sister that I no longer want her in my life? Letter? Phone call?
I understand that some, perhaps all of you have never dealt with such a crisis. Whatever your history, please give me your opinion. Just click on the COMMENTS link at the bottom of this post and type something.
Thank you.
1 comment:
I realize this is a few days late and you've probably already come to a decision, but whatevz.
I'm not exactly sure what advice to give, but I'm now somewhat in the same situation. My brother is a complete pillhead. He steals, he gets violent, and my parents cover his debts all the time.
But, you know, it's damn near impossible for him to kick the habit without some form of rehab, which he'll never be able to afford due to lack of health insurance. Not that he's willing to go, anyhow.
If I were you, I'd suggest seeing your mom on a different day and letting Christmas be what it is for your mother. If she shuts out your sister, she'll definitely shut out her grandson, and I'm sure he takes priority over your sister now. So if anything, I'd focus on creating a situation that's ideal for the grandson, no matter how much it sucks.
I wouldn't burden yourself, though. Keep supporting your mom but stress the fact you don't want to be around your sister. I wouldn't bother with a letter or a call. Actions speak louder than words. Just cut her out.
This was rambly and gay. Sorry.
-La tedesca
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