08 May 2009


Completed my final final (Algebra) a couple hours ago and the grade was just posted; my official grade for the class is an A at 96.9%. My unofficial grade for Intro to Psychology is 93.3%, an A, and unofficial grade for English Composition is an A, 98.6%.

I'm taking two summer classes (Concepts in Mathematics and Anatomy & Physiology), which begin next month.

I feel good about completing my first semester of school in over ten years, but I realize much more (challenging) work is ahead.

In other news, I finished 4th out of 452 players in a Pure Play $500 Weekly Qualifier poker tournament last night; my performance qualifies me for the $500 Weekly Final tournament tomorrow night.

So yeah, despite the shit storm of the past few weeks, things are looking up and I'm much more optimistic about life. (L, well, she's a different story…)


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