The World Wide Web has revolutionized the news cycle and, more broadly, how all information is disseminated. The latter point was made perfectly clear when, two days ago, an audio recording of Christian Bale was leaked to gossip site TMZ. The recording, WHICH YOU CAN ACCESS HERE, features Bale ripping (to put it mildly) the director of photography of Terminator Salvation (which I did not even know was a film until this .mp3 hit the 'net) for distracting the actor during a scene. It's certainly an entertaining listen! (According to TMZ, the film's executives feared Bale would quit the film – he threatened to do so in the recording – and provided the tape to the company that insured the film, hence the .mp3's existence.)
In interweb time, two days is an eternity. The Bale fiasco has spawned a song – a dance remix titled "Bale Out" by some douche who calls himself RevoLucian. (This "music producer" makes shitty techno songs that center around sound bites from various media figures. Only on the interwebs. HIS MYSPACE AND "BALE OUT" ARE HERE.) And a YouTube mash-up video has emerged from the Bale tirade – it's Christian B. versus the infamous Bill O'Reilly "Inside Edition" meltdown.
And don't forget the officially unofficial Christian Bale tee!
O how I love the interwebs!
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