And remember way back in 2009 when he hit us with... his limited edition sneaker?
Unfortunately, for the last ten years Shadow’s story has been one of diminishing returns. He released the mediocre The Private Press in 2002, and 2006 brought The Outsider, which should have been titled The Lackluster.
But the final nail was pounded into the DJ’s crate when I read the following article at Pitchfork:
DJ Shadow Gets His Own Sneaker
The limited edition shoes are available on DJ Shadow’s official website for the low price of $104.99. Recession? What recession? I wanna get a pair of DJ Shadow Reeboks… with a certificate of authenticity!
Not only has Shadow resorted to shoe salesman’s shtick, but he’s pimped out his classic cut “What Does Your Soul Look Like?” just to make a buck. Check out the pic from HIS (not Reeboks') site:
What does your "sole" look like? C'mon!
No doubt, 13 years after Endtroducing… hit the scene, the album still sounds fresh. But an artist selling out his name and fledgling indie fame, well, that’s stale, Shadow man.
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. WTF is he doing?! Ironically, I broke out Preemptive Strike earlier this week for the first time in a while. It never fails to amaze me. This is sad to read....
Just don't throw up on my shoes. They're the limited edition Three Times One Minus One sneakers.
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