The group has achieved national attention for picketing soldiers' funerals; the Church believes god is punishing America for its tolerance of homosexuality.
Here are some other notable WBC activities and statements:
- Phelps has characterized the AIDS Memorial Quilt as "100,000 living fags slobberin' around 45,000 dead fags" and declared Elizabeth Taylor, a fundraiser for AIDS research, to be a "world-famous filthy Jew whore." Other regular anti-homosexual slogans of Westboro include "Homosexuality = Death," "Fags Die, God Laughs," "AIDS: Kills Fags Dead."
- Picketed the funeral of Matthew Shepard, a young man from Wyoming who was beaten to death by two men because of his homosexuality. On one of the many WBC's websites, Phelps maintains a "Perpetual Gospel Memorial" to Shepard. Here are some direct quotes/images from the Shepard page: 1) A photograph of Matthew Shepard's face with animated flames dancing across it. When the cursor is moved across his face, viewers with a sound card will hear screams and a high-pitched voice shrieking "For God's sake, listen to Phelps!" 2) A counter which displays how many days Matthew Shepard has "been in Hell" 3) "WBC does not support the murder of Matthew Shepard: 'thou shalt not kill.' Unless his killers repent, they will receive the same sentence that Matthew Shepard received – eternal fire. However, the truth about Matthew Shepard needs to be known. He lived a Satanic lifestyle. He got himself killed trolling for anonymous homosexual sex in a bar at midnight."
- Pickets Billy Graham revivals, alleging that the evangelist will burn in Hell for failing to propagate the "God Hates Fags" doctrine. In October 2004, the group protested Graham's mass meetings, calling the 85 year-old preacher a "Hell-bound false prophet."
- In press releases from 2004, WBC referred to Topeka mayor James McClinton as a "wife-beating tyrant." McClinton, who is black, was portrayed in the press release as a gorilla in a suit with a swastika armband.
- In July 2005, WBC declared its intention to picket the memorial service of Cpl. Carrie French in Boise, Idaho. French, aged 19 years old, was killed on 5 June in the Iraqi city of Kirkuk, where she served as an ammunition specialist with the 116th Brigade Combat Team's 145th Support Battalion. Her death is seen by the church as divine punishment of the United States. Phelps Sr. was quoted as saying, "Our attitude toward what's happening with the war is [that] the Lord is punishing this evil nation for abandoning all moral imperatives that are worth a dime."
- On 15 January 2006 in Sago, West Virginia, Westboro members protested the memorial of the Sago Mine disaster victims claiming that the mining accident was God's revenge against America for its toleration of homosexuality.
- As of 19 February 2008, the headline of -- a WBC website -- reads, "Thank God for the NIU massacre! They are in Hell! LORD willing we will preach the funerals!"
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