31 July 2007


I believe I've cleared the final hurdle and accepted Joe's death. Unlike last week, the past two days have been free of tears. I feel something inside, a peacefulness, a silence, that I haven't felt since the news of his passing. Because of unalterable circumstances, particularly with Joe's brother, the memorial service won't be held until August 26th. I found this bit of news shocking considering Joe passed away July 20.
So where is Joe? Is he in heaven? Hell? Is he atoning for his "sins" in purgatory? No, no, and no. Has he been reincarnated? No. Has he transcended our reality and entered another dimension that human minds cannot fathom? No.
He's simply become one of the vanished and unborn.
I type this with as much conviction and knowledge as a theologian.
We live and then we die, but our consciousness struggles to grasp the simplicity of our existence, the terrifying monotony of our lives, and the ultimate, frightening end -- death.
I am not afraid to die, and to those who are, I ask, Are you afraid of the raising sun? Does the night sky, dotted with glimmering stars, horrify you? A man who lets the inevitabilities of life perturb him is a senseless and absurd fool. Again, I type this with as much conviction and knowledge as a theologian.
Close your eyes and ponder those living and dying at this exact moment across the globe. People are disappearing all of the time.


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