I have officially fallen in love with Our Love to Admire. Damn the critics (particularly the Americans ). Damn the Interpol "fans" who have said the band isn't the same since they moved to a major record label. Damn you all to hell!
Which song is my favorite? I don't have one. Unlike the ADD "music fans" that fester in this digital age, I appreciate a band's album as a whole; I don't treat their work as a collection of individual songs tossed together with no rhyme or reason.
If you appreciate art, regardless of the medium, you find beauty in the "ugly" or "unsettling" parts of that artist's work. One of art's redeeming qualities is its ability to challenge the observer, the listener, or the reader. The challenge is to find merit in the disarranged. This, of course, leads to the timeless question, What is art?
I've strayed from the original purpose of this post, but I know there are many owners (I hope they actually purchased the album) of Our Love to Admire who hopscotch through the album as if they were channel surfing at 2 AM on a Tuesday morning.
Appreciate art. Don't steal music.
And I cannot wait until next Monday!
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