23 April 2006


Wow> The Monday night Wilco show was quite possibly the best concert I've ever attended. A five star performance; their musicianship was unparalleled. The best band playing in America today. Period. More pics here

Smoke> Over two weeks without a cigarette. Occasionally I'll have an urge to light-up while drinking coffee but this desire is easily quelled. I've also significantly reduced my alcohol consumption; I drink once, maybe twice a week and it's always in moderation.

Sickness> Thursday night/Friday morning my body was gripped by a wretched fever and body-cracking aches. Still fighting the sickness (flu, I'm guessing) but the most painful of symptoms have subsided considerably. Ugh.

Silence> A week ago during an IM conversation with mother, I brought up, albeit briefly, my intense interest and connection to Judaism. Her reaction wasn't exactly warm; I was hoping (actually expecting) for something more accepting, encouraging. We both agreed that the topic would be better addressed with a phone conversation. Needless to say, this conversation has yet to happen. Oh well. I won't be deterred.



kate said...

hope your flu-bug cures itself quickly!

good luck talking to mom about judaism. sometimes defending ourselves only causes us to think harder about what we're really doing and why...which can actually be really good, so here's hoping something positive comes out of mom's not-so-warm reception of your fledgling faith.

and thank you for not smoking. tis a nasty habit.


the.sky.is.a.television.signal said...

;) Thanks, Kate. Feeling much better today...Much better...
