my view-
humans create. humans procreate. we create. period.
we create products
we create wealth
we create families
we create art
we create god
we create joy
we create pain
we create hate
we create love
we create time
we create ourselves
we create meaning in our lives. all of the above exist because we exist. if humans, conscious humans, are not here then these things do not exist.
i've been dealing with my sister and her problems for a couple of years now. i've asked myself countless philosophical questions during this time but the one question that stimulates my mind the most is, "what does all of this mean?" her problems mean one thing to her, her problems mean something else to her friends, her problems mean something else to my parents, her problems, in true reality, mean nothing to me. her "problems" are simply events that happen. who am i, or anyone else for that matter, to color these events with a "meaning?" a common phrase i use is: IT IS WHAT IT IS. NO MORE AND NO LESS. when i say her problems mean nothing to mean i do not mean that i don't care about her or her problems. i have simply accepted that there is nothing i, or anyone else for that matter, can do about them. when you think about it, how much control do we have in our own lives? through control comes meaning...if these control switches are turned upside down and up is down, out is in, black is white, then what do you have? questions, questions, questions....what are we doing? we are creating layers that overlap other layers....we are creating our own optical illusion. if you stare at a white wall long enough the wall is no longer white, blank...you begin to "see" shapes shifting.....sitting in silence soon gives way to sounds, pitches...we are creating things that don't exist. life is strange to say the least. i find it strange that two normal human beings are not "two normal human beings" to me, they're my parents. these connections...these people...this life - "can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all" (quote from the song "in the aeroplane over the sea" by neutral milk hotel)
*"IZ-US" is the title of an Aphex Twin song on his album "Come To Daddy"
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