last saturday night was a very special night. seeing old friends and sharing a few drinks (well, for AA and I the "drinks" were shots of vodka and whiskey, respectively) made for a perfect evening. for most of the evening I was unaware that AA, D, or J Ro knew about my sister's latest developments. I wasn't sure if any of them had visited my blog recently so hearing them mention the "situation" was surprising but very touching. I have a lump in my throat...tears form in my's hard for me to express my know that my friends had been thinking about me meant so much. JKiss, AA, D, J Ro - I love you guys. I don't want to get all corny and shit but all of you made me feel something saturday night that I don't think I have ever felt. you guys are true comrades. sometimes it feels as if I'm in a battle...explosions surround...loved ones are in peril...I don't know what's going to come next...chaos is abound...but to know that my brothers are with me means everything. I'm so fortunate to have you guys as friends and, well, thank you.
Much Love & Respect,
26 September 2005
20 September 2005
sister found alive
at 551am i should be in bed asleep but here i am at the keyboard. phone calls at 230 in the morning are never a good thing. the horrible sound of my telephone rings at 230. it's mom. it's about sister. it's not good. sister leaves a suicide note at dad's house. she's nowhere to be found and her car (which apparently was involved in a hit-and-run accident a couple hours earlier) is still parked in front of the house. mom spares me the details of the suicide note. you hear the words 'suicide note' and that's all you need to hear. i'm sure mom said more during the phone call but it was all a blur of noise. i don't know what to do. do i leave and make the 2 hour drive north to be with mom and dad? where is sister? is she dead? alive? the experience was surreal. i hang up and lay back down. tossing. turning. i'm hot and then i'm cold. what is happening?
phone rings at 530am. this is it. is she alive? has she been found? is she dead? has she been found? mom says sister has been found. police say an empty bottle of prescrip painkillers was on the floor of the car. sister is alive.
i have to go. i have to be at work in an hour.
"how strange it is to be anything at all"
phone rings at 530am. this is it. is she alive? has she been found? is she dead? has she been found? mom says sister has been found. police say an empty bottle of prescrip painkillers was on the floor of the car. sister is alive.
i have to go. i have to be at work in an hour.
"how strange it is to be anything at all"
18 September 2005
. . .
10 September 2005
spam poetry
i found this interesting piece of spam "poetry" the other day......
SUBJECT TITLE: little tablet - happy family
giving Dysmas a drink, and with the same words: 'Praise the
hegemon!' -
link below :))
you. You did all you could, and no one in the world' - here the
put on your knee? What are your losses from my guests, whom you just
which yesterday had delighted the poet, this time did not delight
him a bit.
SUBJECT TITLE: little tablet - happy family
giving Dysmas a drink, and with the same words: 'Praise the
hegemon!' -
link below :))
you. You did all you could, and no one in the world' - here the
put on your knee? What are your losses from my guests, whom you just
which yesterday had delighted the poet, this time did not delight
him a bit.
08 September 2005

my view-
humans create. humans procreate. we create. period.
we create products
we create wealth
we create families
we create art
we create god
we create joy
we create pain
we create hate
we create love
we create time
we create ourselves
we create meaning in our lives. all of the above exist because we exist. if humans, conscious humans, are not here then these things do not exist.
i've been dealing with my sister and her problems for a couple of years now. i've asked myself countless philosophical questions during this time but the one question that stimulates my mind the most is, "what does all of this mean?" her problems mean one thing to her, her problems mean something else to her friends, her problems mean something else to my parents, her problems, in true reality, mean nothing to me. her "problems" are simply events that happen. who am i, or anyone else for that matter, to color these events with a "meaning?" a common phrase i use is: IT IS WHAT IT IS. NO MORE AND NO LESS. when i say her problems mean nothing to mean i do not mean that i don't care about her or her problems. i have simply accepted that there is nothing i, or anyone else for that matter, can do about them. when you think about it, how much control do we have in our own lives? through control comes meaning...if these control switches are turned upside down and up is down, out is in, black is white, then what do you have? questions, questions, questions....what are we doing? we are creating layers that overlap other layers....we are creating our own optical illusion. if you stare at a white wall long enough the wall is no longer white, begin to "see" shapes shifting.....sitting in silence soon gives way to sounds, pitches...we are creating things that don't exist. life is strange to say the least. i find it strange that two normal human beings are not "two normal human beings" to me, they're my parents. these connections...these people...this life - "can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all" (quote from the song "in the aeroplane over the sea" by neutral milk hotel)
*"IZ-US" is the title of an Aphex Twin song on his album "Come To Daddy"
04 September 2005
face value
she only fucked me because i was there. take it for face value then forget the face, you sentimental fuck. here you are - in bed, in the dark, alone, your head filled with transparent images of her ghosty face....she's somewhere in texas a bar getting shit-faced, looking for the shoulder she leans on to take her home and fuck {[aaaaass loooonnng assssss youuuuu kkknnnnnooooooww thiiiss meeeeeeeeeans noooothiiing, ooookay?}], get high, whatever. me, i don't get high anymore. i get low - then drink some fire - then get lower - whiskey is in the wind tonight, my friend. off in the distance, under the dim stars and dead moon i can almost hear the parties, the shouting, almost smell the perfume, smell the beer, the bad music, the people - the things that i hate because it's all so foreign to me. maybe it's all a cruel joke - trying to understand what all of this is about when there is nothing to comprehend but the space we fill with words, love, anger, whatever. take if for face value then forget the face, you sentimental fuck. so have i crumbled to pieces????? or am i one of the few that "get it?" and i wonder why it is just me - here - in the dark - all of the time - only me. sometimes i wonder if this is what a prisoner, fresh to the streets after 40 years behind bars, feels alien surrounded by beeping gizmos, robots dressed as alien that can't recall how to communicate, socialize, act, live. take it for face value........and try to forget the face...............
............................LS-even though you destroyed something inside i still long for your crushing blow........
............................LS-even though you destroyed something inside i still long for your crushing blow........
President George W Bush - Always the Easy Target

First let me state this: President Bush does not have the best PR people in his administration. The President's public face, or lack there of, has lived up to all of the stereotypes this idiot, a moron, etc.
But before you criticize the federal government's response to Katrina consider this photograph, which is of a flooded school bus lot in New Orleans, LA, and paragraph 5, page 13 of the Louisiana Disaster Plan, dated 01/2000: "The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal vehicles. School and municipal buses, government-owned vehicles and vehicles provided by volunteer agencies may be used to provide transportation for individuals who lack transportation and require assistance in evacuating." (Source: Drudge Report, 3 September 2005)
How many lives would have been saved if Mayor Ray Nagin (D) had followed through with the pre-Katrina mandatory evacuation and deployed the numerous buses in the city? I guess too many are busy playing the race card to consider this precious question...oh well......
03 September 2005
changing lanes

Gavin Banek: I came here for some meaning. I want you to give the world meaning to mean.
Priest: Why does the world need meaning?
Gavin Banek: Why does the...?! Because the world is a sewer, the world is a shithole and a garbage dump because my father-in-law got me to screw a good man, a decent man out of his money and my wife cheers me on...because I got into a fender-bender with this guy on the FDR...I had a little fight with him and I tried to do everything I could to settle with this guy and he just wouldn't let it go.
Priest: Why? Why wouldn't he let it go?
Gavin Banek: I DON'T KNOW WHY! I don't know why. Sometimes god just likes to put two guys in a paper bag and let 'em rip
Dialogue from the movie (and a damn good one, I might add) Changing Lanes (2002)
01 September 2005
before and after katarina is a site that offers "reliable security information." check out their site for incredible before-and-after satellite images of new orleans.
for a first-hand account of katarina's wrath check out Dancing With eye-opening blog to say the least...
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