16 July 2005

"good" night

today was a good day until i received word of my sister. apparently she was involved in an accident on July 7th in which her car was totaled (she was uninjured)....and she blew a .08 and spent the night in jail for DUI. she told mom earlier tonight and then mom relayed the news to me. i find it a little odd that she waited more than a week before she told mom....but i think she understands the amount of stress and consternation she has caused all of us and decided to blunt the impact of the news by waiting. apparently she pled guilty to the DUI and was sentenced to a year’s probation with a one-year suspended license. her car is a total loss and she “says” her insurance will cover it but i find that hard to believe since she was under the influence, but we shall see.
growing up in suburbia, and in denial, apparently, seems so strange. as a child i had this image of my family that was completely false. mom and dad divorce when i’m 13. mom remarries way too soon (in my opinion). becomes (borderline? or is this denial striking again?) alcoholic. early to mid-20's and i begin cracking. sister becomes a mess.......and what else? this is another topic that i need to expand upon but i’m lacking sufficient energy at this time....”good” night


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